Friday, December 5, 2008




以下摘錄一些聖經教師(學者)的看法和斷案,有些譯自英文原著,有些是中文的著作,「參考聖經」(Reference Bible)的註解則置於最後。讀者若覺得研讀英文吃力,可以直接跳讀中文譯文。之所以同時將英文原著放進來,沒有別的用意,只為取信於眾。每段之後若有評論,是我個人下的。

一、Matthew Henry(1662-1714)

In the early ages the firstborn son possessed extra-ordinary privilege and honors. Hence the Hebrew term, and its correspondent word in other languages, acquired the secondary meaning of that which is chief and most excellent. Of these there are many examples in the Scripture, and in Jewish phraseology, the Holy and blessed God is called the Firstborn of the world, to signify his supremacy over all created beings. The just inference from what follows there is, that Christ is superior to all creatures, and that subsequently, in his proper and original nature, he cannot be a creature.- J.P. Smith

在早代長子擁有特權和尊榮。因此,在希伯來用詞和其他語言中對等的詞,產生了第二個意思,就是首領和最卓越的。這個在聖經中有許多例子,在猶太人的用詞裡,那聖潔可稱頌的神被稱為世界的「首生」,表明祂在造物之上的主權。從後面接著的話公正的推論,基督是優於一切造物,因此,就祂的本性而言,祂不會是個造物。(引J.P. Smith的話)

(Matthew Henry and Thomas Scott, Commentary on the Holy Bible, Matthew to Revelation, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979, p.240)

Christ is the first-born of every creature. Not that he is himself a creature; he was born or begotten before all the creation, or any creature was made; which is the Scripture way of representing eternity, and by which the eternity of God is represented to us. It signifies his dominion over all things; as the first-born in a family is heir and lord of all, so he is the Heir of all things, Heb 1:2…Christ is so far from being himself a creature, that he is the Creator. For by him were all things created,…


(Matthew Henry and Thomas Scott, Commentary on the Holy Bible, Matthew to Revelation, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979, p.241)

二、J.N. Darby(1800-1882)

But then what place can He have in creation when He has come into it according to the eternal counsels of a God? He could have but one, namely, that of supremacy without contestation and without controversy. He is the firstborn of all creation, that is a relative name, not one of date with regard to time. It is said of Solomon, “I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.” Thus the Creator, when He takes a place in creation, is necessarily its Head….


He is then the image of the invisible God, and, when He takes His place in it, the firstborn of all creation. The reason of this is worthy of our attention-simple, yet marvelous: He created it. It was in the Person of the Son that God acted, when by His power He created all things, whether in heaven or in the earth, visible and invisible. All that is great and exalted is but the work of His hand; all has been created by Him (the Son) and for Him. Thus, when He takes possession of it, He takes it as His inheritance by right. Wonderful truth, that He who has redeemed us, who made Himself man, one of us as to nature, in order to do so, is the Creator. But such is the truth.


(J. N. Darby, Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, Vol. 5, Bible Truth Publishers, 1980, Col. pp.12-13)






三、Henry Alford(1810-1871)

The first and simplest meaning is that of priority of birth. But this, if insisted on, in its limited temporal sense, must apply to our Lord’s birth from his human mother, and could have reference only to those brothers and sisters who were born of her afterward; a reference clearly excluded here. But a second and derived meaning of πρωτοτοκος, as a designation of dignity and precedence, implied by priority, cannot be denied. Cf. Ps. 89:27…, Exo.4:22…, Rom.8:29…, Heb.12:23…It would be obviously wrong here to limited the sense entirely to this reference, as the very expression below, αυτος εστιν προ παντων, shews, in which his priority is distinctly predicated. The safe method of interpretation therefore will be, to take into account two ideas manifestly included in the word, and here distinctly refer to – priority, and dignity, and to regard the technical term πρωτοτοκος as used rather with reference to both these, than in strict construction where it stands.“First-born of every creature” will then imply, that Christ was not only first-born of His mother in the world, but first-begotten of His Father, before the worlds,- and that He holds the rank, as compared with every created thing, of first-born in dignity.

這裡若完全侷限於這種關係是明顯的錯誤,正如後面的發表「αυτος εστιν προ παντων」(祂在萬有之先)所表明的,清楚斷言祂在其中的優越。


...The Arians maintained that Christ is thus Himself declared to be a κτισις of God. It might have been enough to guard them from this, that as Chr. remarks, not πρωτοκτιστος, but πρωτοτοκος advisedly used by the Apostle.


(Henry Alford, Alford’s Greek Testament, An Exegetical and Critical Commentary, Vol. III, ΠΡΟΣ ΚΟΛΑΣΣΑΕΙΣ, 1:15 notes, pp.202-203)

評論:保羅在西一15下的用詞非常謹慎,正如Henry Alford所說的,是經過深思熟慮的。他所要表達的乃是基督的超越和尊貴。若他所要表達的是基督乃受造之物的第一個,他的寫法應該是:「一切造物的首造」( the first-created of all the created things)。這樣的寫法把基督貶低了,正和諾斯底異端的講法。若他所要表達的是所有受造之物也是神生的,正如基督是神生的,且是第一位,那麼他的寫法會是:「一切所生的首生者」( the first-born of all born)。但這是泛神論,無法被接受。保羅寫的是:「一切造物的首生」(the first-born of all created things),因此他所表達的是一切都是被造的,唯基督是被生的,他之於萬物是居先、居首、居上的!


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