五、W.E. Vine(1873-1949)
PROTOTOKOS (πρωτοτοκος) , firstborn (from protos, first, and tikto, to beget), is used of Christ as born of the Virgin Mary, Luke 2:7; further, in His relationship to the Father, expressing His priority to, and preeminence over, creation, not in the sense of being the first to be born. It is used occasionally of superiority of position in the OT; see Ex. 4:22; Deut 21:16, 17, the prohibition being against the evil of assigning the privileged position of thefirstborn to one born subsequently to the first child.
The five passages in the NT relating to Christ may be set forth chronologically thus:
(a) Col 1:15, where His eternal relationship with the Father is in view, and the clause means both that He was the Firstborn before all creation and that He Himself produced creation (the genitive case being objective, as Col 1:16 makes clear);
(b) Col 1:18; Rev 1:5, in reference to His resurrection;
(c) Rom 8:29, His position in relationship to the church;
(d) Heb 1:6, RV, His Second Advent (the RV “when He again bringeth in,” puts “again” in the right place, the contrast to His First Advent, at His birth, being implied); cp. Psalm 89:27. The word is used in the plural, in Heb 11:28, of the firstborn sons in the families of the Egyptians, and in Psalm 12:23, of the members of the Church.
Note: With (a) cp. John 1:30, “He was before me,” lit., “He was first (protos) of me,” i.e., “in regard to me,” expressing all that is involved in His pre-existence and priority.
πρωτοτοκος, 首生 ( 從protos「首」 + tikto「生」而來 ),用於基督為馬利亞所生(路二7),進一步,用於祂與父的關係,表明其先於且超越造物,意思不是祂是第一個生的。在舊約有時用於地位上的優越,見於出四22;禁止指定長子之特權地位給在長子之後生者的罪惡,見於申二十一16~17。
(W.E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, pp.434-435, second printing, Thomas Nelson)
評論:W.E. Vine是弟兄會中傑出的聖經教師之一,他的「An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words」在西方英語世界極受推崇、歷久不衰,在聖經原文字義方面解析清楚,而且同義詞分析、字詞格類排比等都非常清楚、豐富。我個人認為,其所下的斷言不能等閒視之,應尊重採納。
六、A.C. Gaebelein(1861 - 1945)
…Arianism, Socianism, Unitarianism, Russellism, Christian Science and other “isms” which rob the Lord Jesus Christ of His full glory and deny His Deity, are completely answered in the brief words which unfold His glory. It was Arius of Alexandria who taught in the beginning of the fourth century that the Lord Jesus was a creature, the first of all created things, though super-angelic, yet not eternal in His being nor a partaker of the divine essence. The council of Nice (325 A.D.) condemned the wicked theory of Arius. Socinus in the Reformation period revived this error, as did Priestly and Martineau in England and Channing and others in America. It remained for one Charles T. Russel, whose system is known by different names, to popularized these false and corrupt views and spread them throughout Christendom. Russell with Arius asserts that in His pre-existent state Jesus was a pure spirit, higher than the angels, yet only a creature. When born of Virgin Mary, He dropped His spirit nature while on earth. He teaches that the atonement offered by our Lord was only human, having nothing divine about it. Russellism also denies that the human body of our Lord was raised from the dead. The whole system is a conglomerate of Arianism,Ebioniteism and Rationalism….
2. “Firstborn of all creation”-not as the authorized version has it “the firstborn of every creature.” It is here where the false teaching originates, which claims that our Lord was after all only a creature, called into existence by God, and not very God. This passage teaches no such thing. The title “ Firstborn” denotes His priority to creation, for He is the creation’s Head; the Headship of all creation belongs to Him. When He who is the image of the invisible God takes His place in creation, as He did in incarnation, it can only be as the Firstborn, as the Beginning of the Creation of God, the Head of all. He, who became man, under whose feet as the second Man all things will be put in subjection (Ps. Viii, Heb. ii), is the Lord from Heaven, the Creator of all things.
3. That He is not a creature, though He took on the creature’s form, is at once demonstrated by the words which follow. The Holy Spirit anticipated the errors which would deny His glory and therefore we read of Him as the creator. “ For by Him were all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by Him and for Him.” It is therefore absolutely certain that the “Firstborn” does not mean that our Lord is a creature, but the Creator. These words which were written by the Apostle are revelation. Nor is Paul the only instrument through whom the Spirit of God makes known His glory. John wrote in the beginning of his gospel the same truth. “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.” (John i:2)
The Son of God is therefore the Creator, yet not to the exclusion of the power of the Father, nor the operation of the Spirit. The three are one, in character and in their work; in creation and in redemption the three persons of the Godhead are active….
…亞流主義、動力神格唯一論、索西奴主義、羅素主義(按羅素,耶和華見證人會的創始人)、基督教科學會(按為艾迪女士所創始),還有其他的「主義」,這些掠奪了主耶穌基督完全的榮耀並拒絕祂的神性,在這短短揭示祂榮耀的話裡完全回應了他們。亞歷山大的亞流在第四世紀初教導主耶穌是一個造物,一切造物的第一個,雖然超越天使,就其本身而言卻不是永遠的,也不能有分神聖的本質。尼西亞大會(主後325年)定罪了亞流邪惡的學說。索西奴在改教時期復燃其錯誤,…,直到有一個名叫羅素的(Charles T. Russell),他的系統有著許多不同的名稱,將這些錯誤和敗壞的觀點流傳出去,使之散佈在基督教世界中。
(A.C. Gaebelein, The Annotated Bible, Vol. IV, Loizeaux Brothers, 1970, 3rd printing, Dec. 1979, pp.51-53 )
評論:A.C. Gaebelein也是弟兄會中傑出的聖經教師之一,他的「The Annotated Bible」在西方英語世界裡是一套非常經典的著作,備受推崇、值得信賴。著名的「司可福參考聖經」(The New Scofield Reference Bible)亦列他為諮詢學者之一,可見其份量。
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
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自从亚流讲西1:15中的‘firstborn of creation’解释为‘基督的神性不是神的神性,乃是一个被造物,预神不同质(heteroousian)。故,基督不是神’,以作为他教导的核心,并被尼西亚大会定罪之后,西1:15中的‘firstborn of creation’就被亚他那修在他的《信仰宣言(Statement of Faith)》为了与亚流有一个清楚的切割,明确的解释为:
Paul also in another place calls Him ‘first-born of all creation’ (Col. i. 15). But by calling Him First-born, He shews that He is not a Creature, but Offspring of the Father. For it would be inconsistent with His deity for Him to be called a creature. / 保罗也在其他的地方称呼他为‘受造之物的首生者’(西1:15)。但是,称呼他为‘首生者(firstborn)’,他表明了他(神的儿子)不是一个被造之物,而是父的流出。因为,称他为被造之物与他的神性不符。
在这段话里面,亚他那修明确的将西1:15中的‘firstborn of creation’定位为‘基督的神性’,不能以被造之物解释。(附:亚流教导,基督没有真正的神性,故不是真神,不是神真正的儿子。)
In which humanity He was crucified and died for us, and rose from the dead, and was taken up into the heavens, having been created as the beginning of ways for us ( Prov. viii. 22)。。。For nothing new was created in woman, save the Lord’s body, born of the Virgin Mary without intercourse, as also it says in the Proverbs in the person of Jesus: ‘The Lord created me, a beginning of His ways for His works’ ( Prov. viii. 22)。。。For the Lord’s Humanity was created as ‘a beginning of ways,’ and He manifested it to us for our salvation. / 在那个他为我们被钉死,从死人中复活,被带到诸天界中的人性,乃是为我们被造成为‘工作的起头’ (箴言8:22)。。。在童女的腹中并没有造出不同的东西,主的身体,由童女马利亚以非经过性的方式诞生,在箴言中说到耶稣的人(位)时说到“在创造万物(旧造)之先,主就造了我,他工作的起头”(箴言8:22)。。。因为主的人性被造,成为‘工作的起头’,他也为了我们的救恩
因着‘亚流恐惧症’,尼西亚后的基督教,为了避免极具争议性的西1:15再度引发类似亚流的教导,而否定了基督的神性,基本上都追随亚他那修的脚步,以西1:15中的‘firstborn of creation’乃是指基督的神性在创世前由父而生(born),万物由他而造。故,这节乃是指基督的神性超越万物,作为对于西1:15的解释的主要论调。任何将西1:15与‘受造’或‘受造之物’联系起来的解释,都会被不分青红皂白的打为‘亚流异端’。
虽然,亚他那修的‘自相矛盾’被湮灭与历史的长流中,但是,这个‘矛盾’仍然体现在对于西1:15的解经和翻译中。在解经中,对于西1:15的解释,就分为应当以基督的神性,将该节解释为基督的超越性,而非受造之物之一员的Comparitive Genetive派;和,应当以基督的人性,将该节解释为基督为受造之物之一员的Partitive Genetive派。而主要较有影响力的英文译本在Compatitive Genetive的解经的大背景下,仍然将该节解释为Partitive Genetive的‘the Firstborn of Creation’或‘the Firstborn among Creation’。而在中文世界,则有天主教的思高译本和聚会处的恢复版译本将其翻译为‘他是不可见的天主的肖像,是一切受造物的首生者’(思高本译文)。
事实上,这个问题的答案是:是!我们有办法!我们需要回到‘Sardica大会’(343 AD)。
Sardica大会(343 AD?)是在尼西亚大会(325 AD)和康士坦丁堡大会(381 AD)这60年间,由尼西亚派在Sardica所举办的大公会议。(虽然没有被正式承认。)共有250位来自Rome/罗马, Spain/西班牙, Gaul/高卢, Italy/意大利, Campania, Calabria, Africa/非洲, Sardinia, Pannonia, Moesia, Dacia, Dardania, Lesser Dacia, Macedonia/马其顿, Thessaly, Achaia, Epirus, Thrace, Rhodope, Asia/亚细亚, Caria, Bithynia, the Hellespont, Phrygia, Pisidia, Cappadocia/加帕多加, Pontus, the lesser Phrygia, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Lydia, the Cyclades, Egypt/埃及, the Thebaid, Libya/利比亚, Galatia/加拉太, Palestine/巴勒斯坦,和Arabia/阿拉伯的主教参与。
这个会议产生了一封名为“Synodical Letter from the Bishops assembled at Sardica, addressed to the other Bishops/由聚集在Sardica的主教们至其他主教的会议公开信”的文件。(原文见附件。)这封信相当于“大会宣言”的文件被收录在NPNF02-3的Theodoret的“The Ecclesiastical History/教会史”里面。
1. 无论从参与的主教的数目和所在地而言,虽然比尼西亚大会出席的主教数(318位)要少,但是基本上也可以说是一个‘跨基督教世界的大会’,他代表了当时整个基督教界的神学思想。
2. 从神学上面,Sardica大会是由尼西亚派的主教所主办的,全力支持亚他那修的教导。大会明确地描述、并定罪亚流派的教导:将‘被生’当做‘被造’(they understand by the term ‘begotten,’ that which has been made),而导致否认基督有真正的神性与三一神的同时共存性;在另一方面,也宣告了正统的信仰:基督(的神性)创始前从父而生(None of us denies that He was begotten; but we say that He was begotten before all things),与父同质(What is the essence of the Son?’ we confess, that it is that which is acknowledged to be that of the Father alone),与父同存(It is most absurd to affirm that the Father ever existed without the Son),并与父为一(we confess the divinity of the Father and of the Son to be one)。
3. 从对教会的影响而言,罗马帝国Constans大帝明确表态支持尼西亚的立场。召回在放逐中的亚他那修,并恢复亚他那修的亚历山大城主教的地位。一举扭转亚流派对罗马帝国的政治及在大公教会神学中的影响力。
因为亚流使用了西1:15中的‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’作为他的教导的核心,所以,大公教会开始对西1:15中的‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’产生了一种抵触心理。为了避免重蹈亚流的错误,从亚他那修开始将西1:15中的‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’的‘首生(Fristborn)’与‘被造物(Creation)’分割处理。到了381AD的第一次康士坦丁堡大会确立“尼西亚信经”为正统后,基本上就没有人在敢冒‘亚流’的危险,而把‘首生(Fristborn)’与‘被造物(Creation)’建立任何的联系。
尼西亚大会 325 AD
亚他那修信仰宣言(Statement of Faith) 328 AD
Sardica大会 343 AD?
(第一次)康士坦丁堡大会 381 AD
迦克顿大会 451 AD
We affirm that He is truly the Son, yet not in the way in which others are said to be sons: for they are either gods by reason of their regeneration, or are called sons of God on account of their merit, and not on account of their being of one essence[url=file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/cocolily.RSW/My%20Documents/Synodical%20Letter%20from%20the%20Bishops%20assembled%20at%20Sardica,%20addressed%20to%20the%20other%20Bishops..htm#_ftn1]489[/url], as is the case with the Father and the Son. We confess an Only-begotten and a Firstborn; but that the Word is only-begotten, who ever was and is in the Father. We use the word firstborn with respect to His human nature. But He is superior (to man) in the new creation[url=file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/cocolily.RSW/My%20Documents/Synodical%20Letter%20from%20the%20Bishops%20assembled%20at%20Sardica,%20addressed%20to%20the%20other%20Bishops..htm#_ftn2]490[/url] (of the Resurrection), inasmuch as He is the Firstborn from the dead.
令人很惊讶的事情是,力挺亚他那修和尼西亚的Sardica大会对于‘首生者(Firstborn)’的定义:我们用首生的这个字指明他的人性/ We use the word firstborn with respect to His human nature,在一方面与亚他那修在他的‘信仰宣言’中对于‘首生者(Firstborn)’的定义:But by calling Him First-born, He shews that He is not a Creature, but Offspring of the Father./但是,称呼他为‘首生者(firstborn)’,他表明了他(神的儿子)不是一个被造之物,而是父的流出,完全背道而驰!
当注意的事是,Sardica大会并没有否认‘子(从神性而言)乃是从父而出,与父同质(也就是父的流出)’,她和亚他那修的分歧乃是在于:应当如何定义‘首生者(Firstborn)’这个词。亚他那修明确地将‘首生者(Firstborn)’这个词往‘基督的神性’方向定位。而在同时,Sardica大会则明确的将‘首生者(Firstborn)’这个词往‘基督的人性’方向定位。甚至,还来个‘昭告天下’!(请注意,该段开始于‘We confess../我们相信’)。
所以,根据Sardica大会的解释,西1:15的‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’的意思,就是‘基督(的人性)是第一个被造的’(被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)的字义。)这个立场,反而跟亚他那修在他的‘信仰宣言’中使用箴言8:22来支持基督的人性是被造的:在箴言中说到耶稣的人(位)时说到“在创造万物(旧造)之先,主就造了我,他工作的起头”(箴言8:22),这句话后面所隐藏的意思,是一致的。
从Sardica大会的宣言来看,事实上,即使在尼西亚派中,对于西1:15的‘首生者(Firstborn)’这个词该如何定义?仍然是有两派的看法。而且,就Sardica大会的背景来看,我们可以确定的是,将西1:15的‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’定义为‘基督(的人性)是第一个被造的’,在当时的教会中,甚至都可能是‘主流正统教导’。否则,1)Sardica大会不可能在这么‘敏感’的时候,敢将与亚流教导只有一线之差的‘我们用首生的这个字指明他的人性/ We use the word firstborn with respect to His human nature’这句话,如此堂皇的‘昭告天下’;2)若亚流教导的是一个 ‘与正统教义有着极大的差距的教导’,而是,教导了一个‘于正统教导只有一线之差的教导’,他也不可能获得如此大的支持和影响力;3)亚他那修也不可能使用实际上就是与西1:15同样意义的箴8:22来支持基督的人性为被造。
最起码,从教会历史来看,即使‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’定义为‘基督(的人性)是第一个被造的’即使不是当时的‘主流正统教导’,也是当时为尼西亚正统派所广为接受的教导。甚至,当作Sardica大会的结论,公诸于世。
故,今天对于聚会处方面在‘被造之物的首生者(the Firstborn of Creation)’的批判,事实上是不成立的!
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