Wednesday, December 10, 2008



四、J.B. Lightfoot(1828 –1889)

πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως] ‘the First-born of all creation.’ The word πρωτοτοκος has twofold parentage:

(I)Like εικων it is closely connected with and taken from the Alexandrian vocabulary of the Logos. The word however which Philo applies to the λογος is not πρωτοτοκος but πρωτογονος… and this designation…is several times applies to the λογος. Again in...the language of Exod. xiii. so interpreted as to apply to the Divine Word. These appellations, ‘the first-begotten, the eldest son,’ are given to the Logos by Philo, because in his philosphy it includes the oroginal conception, the archytype idea, of creation, which was afterward realised in the material world. Among the early Christian fathers Justin Martyr again and again recognises the application of the term πρωτοτοκος to the Word;…So too Theophilus …

πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως,「一切造物的首生」,πρωτοτοκος(prototokos)「首生」一字有雙重的來源:

1.就如「像」(εικων)一字,它(「按「首生」」一字)是緊連並從亞歷山大的「道」(Logos)的辭彙而來。然而斐羅(Philo)所用於「道」的字不是πρωτοτοκος(prototokos)而是πρωτογονος (protogonos),…而這個稱謂…有幾次用於「道」。再者在…出十三2的話…當被用於「聖道」,也是這樣詮釋的。「頭生」、「長子」這些稱號是斐羅(Philo)用於稱呼「道」的,因為在他的哲學裡含有最初創造的概念,就是原型(archytype)的觀念,後來這都實化在物質的世界裡。在早期的基督徒教父中,殉道者游斯丁(Justin Martyr)一再地確認πρωτοτοκος(prototokos)一詞是用於「道」,…提阿非羅(Theophilus)亦然。…

(2)The word πρωτοτοκος had also another not less important link of connexion with the past. The Messianic reference of Ps. lxxxix 28, εγο πρωτοτοκος θησομαι αυτον κ.τ.λ., seems to have been generally allowed. So at least it is interpreted by R. Nathan… ‘God said, As I made Jacob a first-born (Exod. iv. 22), so also will I make king Messiah a first-born (Ps. lxxxix. 28).’ Hence ‘the first-born’ ο πρωτοτοκος(בכור)used absolutely, because a recognised title of Messiah. The way had been paved for this Massianic reference of πρωτοτοκος by its prior application to the Israelites, as the prerogative race, Exod. iv. 22 ‘Israel is my son, my first-born ’ : comp. Pslm. Salom. xviii. 4 η παιδεια σου εφ ημας ως υιον πρωτοτοκον μονογενη… where the combination of the two titles applied in the New Testament to the Son is striking. Here, as elsewhere (see the note on Gal. iii 16…), the terms are transferred from the race to the Messiah, as the representative, the embodiment, of the race.

2.πρωτοτοκος(prototokos)一字也有另一個也是很重要的關連,就是與過去的連結。詩八十九28(按中文聖經是27節,下同)「我也要立他為長子…」,作為彌賽亞的引證(Messianic reference),似乎是眾所公認的。所以至少拿單(R. Nathan)… 詮釋之為:「神說,我立雅各為長子(出四22),所以我也立彌賽亞君王為長子(八十九27)。」

因此,「長子」(ο πρωτοτοκος,בכור)的用法絕對,因為是認定彌賽亞的一個頭銜。先前出四22「以色列是我的兒子,我的長子」,用於作為特權族類的以色列人的方式,已為πρωτοτοκος (prototokos)一字作為這個彌賽亞的引證先鋪好了路。比較所羅門詩歌十八4…,那裡把兩個用於新約的頭銜(按是πρωτοτοκον μονογενη,prototokon monogene)合併在一起是叫人稀奇的。這裡,就如別處(見加三16註),這詞從族類轉到作為族類代表和體現的彌賽亞身上。

As the Person of Christ was the Divine response alike to the philosophical questionings of the Alexandrian Jew and to the patriotic hopes of the Palestinian, these two currents of thought meet in the term πρωτοτοκος as applied to our Lord, who is both the true Logos and the true Messiah. For this reason, we may suppose, as well as for others, the Christian Apostles preferred πρωτοτοκος to πρωτογονος, which (as we may infer from Philo) was the favourite term with the Alexandrians, because the former alone would include the Messianic reference as well.


The main idea then which the word involves are twofold; the one more directly connected with the Alexandrian conception of the Logos, the other more nearly allied to the Palestinian conception of the Messiah.

(1)Priority to all creation.

In other words it declares the absolute pre-existence of the Son. At first sight it might seem that Christ is here regarded as one, though the earliest, of created beings. This interpretation is not required by the expression itself. The fathers of the fourth century rightly called attention to the fact that the Apotle writes not πρωτοκτιστος, but πρωτοτοκος; e.g. Basil… Much earlier, in Clem. Alex. …, though without any direct reference to this passage, the μονογενης και πρωτοτοκος is contrasted with the πρωτοκτιστοι, the highest order of angelic beings; and the word πρωτοκτιστος occurs more than once elsewhere in his writings(e.g. Strom. v. 14, 699). Nor again does the genitive case necessarily imply that the πρωτοτοκος Himself belonged to the κτισις , as will be shown presently. And if this sense is not required by the words themselves, it is directly excluded by the context. It is inconsistent alike with the universal agency in creation which is ascribed to Him in the words following, εν αυτω εκτισθη τα παντα, and with absolute pre-existence and self-existence which is claimed for Him just below, αυτος εστιν προ παντων. We may add also that it is irreconcilable with other passages in the Apostolic writings, while it contradicts the fundamental idea of the Christian consciousness. More especially the description πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως must be interpreted in such a way that it is not inconsistent with His other title of μονογενης, unicus, alone of His kind and therefore distinct from created things. The two words express the same eternal fact; but while μονογενης states it in itself, πρωτοτοκος places it in relation to the Universe. The correct interpretation is supplied by Justin Martyr,…πρωτοτοκον του θεου και προ παντων των κτισματων. He does not indeed mention this passage, but it was doubtless in his mind, for he elsewhere uses the very expression πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως…comp. also…, where the words πρωτοτοκος των παντων ποιηματων occur.



換言之,表示子的絕對先存。乍看之下,似乎這裡是說基督是最早的,但也被看為是造物之一,然而這樣的詮釋並不需要這個字來表達。第四世紀的教父們注意到一個事實,就是使徒們所寫的不是πρωτοκτιστος (protoktistos)而是πρωτοτοκος(prototokos)。例如巴西流(Basil)…,再早一點亞歷山大的革利免(Clem. Alex.),雖無直接引此處經文,把「獨生和首生」(μονογενης και πρωτοτοκος)與作為天使之最高階的「首造」(πρωτοκτιστοι)相比較。而且「首造」(πρωτοκτιστος)之一字不只一次出現在他其他的著作中。

再者,所有格不需要表示「首生」(πρωτοτοκος)是屬於「造物」(κτισις),正如待會兒所要說的。而且如果這個意思不從這些話的本身來得著(按意即該字在舊約裡的轉意特殊用法),上下文就直接把這個意思排除了。這樣也與接著描述他做萬有創造的憑藉的話-「萬有都是靠他造的」(或直譯「萬有都是在他裡面造的」)-不一致,也與下面緊接著宣稱他是絕對先存和自存的話-「他在萬有之先」-不一致。我們還可以加上一個,就是與使徒著作中其他的經文不相合,也與基督徒良心的基本思想相牴觸。甚且「一切造物的首生」(πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως)必須在一種與「獨生」(μονογενη,unicus)不能不一致的方式裡來詮釋。「獨生」是獨自一類的,因此與造物迥別。

這兩個字同樣表明永恆的事實,然而「獨生」(μονογενης)用於陳述字的本身,「首生」(πρωτοτοκος)則把它擺在與宇宙的關係上。正確的詮釋乃是殉道者游斯丁(Justin Martyr)…所提供的:「神的首生和一切被造的以先」(πρωτοτοκον του θεου και προ παντων των κτισματων)。雖然他沒有真正提到這經文(按指西一15下),但是無疑地這是在他的心中的,因為在別處他用了「一切造物的首生」(πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως)這個特殊的發表。…也可比較…,那裡出現「一切工作品的首生」(πρωτοτοκος των παντων ποιηματων)這樣的話。

(2)Sovereignty over all creation.

God’s ‘first-born’ is the natural ruler, the acknowledged head, of God’s household. The right of primogeniture appertains to Messiah over all created things. Thus in Ps. Ps. Lxxxix. 28 after πρωτοτοκος θησομαι αυτον the explanation is added, υψηλον παρα τοις βασιλευδιν της γης, i.e. (as the oroginal implies) ‘above all the kings of the earth.’ In its Messianic refernece this secondary idea of sovereignty predominated in the word πρωτοτοκος, so that from this point of view πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως would mean ‘Sovereign Lord over all creation by virtue of primogeniture.’ The εθηκεν κληρονομον παντων of the Apostolic writer (Heb. i. 2) exactly corresponds to the θησομαι πρωτοτοκος of the psalmist (lxxxix. 28), and doubtless was tacitly intended as a paraphrase and application of this Messianic passage. So again in Heb. xii. 23, εκκλησια πρωτοτοκων, the most probable explanation of the word is that which makes it equivalent to ‘heirs of the kingdom,’ all faithful Christians being ipso factor πρωτοτοκοι, because all are kings. Nay, so completely might this idea of dominion by virtue of priority eclipse the primary sense of the term ‘first-born’ in some of its uses, that it is given as a title to God Himself by R. Bechai on the Pentateuch, fol. 124. 4,…For other instances of secondary uses of בכור in the Old Testament, where the idea of ‘priority of birth’ is over-shadowed by and lost in the idea of “pre-emience,’ see Job xviii. 13 ‘the first-born of death,’ Is. xiv. 30 ‘the first-born of the poor.’


神的「長子」是神家裡理所當然的管理者、眾所公認的頭。統管所有造物的長子繼承權歸屬於彌賽亞。因此,詩八十九27在「立他為長子」之後,加了解釋的話:「為世上最高的君王」。在彌賽亞的引經裡,πρωτοτοκος這個字重在統治權的第二個思想,所以從這個觀點來看,πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως(按是西一15下)意思是「由於長子名分而為統管萬有的主」。使徒著作的εθηκεν κληρονομον παντων(萬有的承受者,來一2)完全等同於詩篇作者的θησομαι πρωτοτοκος(立為長子,詩八十九27),而且無疑的是心照不宣地故意作為這個彌賽亞經文的釋意和運用。

所以,再一次在來十二23的εκκλησια πρωτοτοκων(眾長子的教會),這個字最可能的解釋是等同於「國度的繼承者」,就是根據事實,所有的基督徒都是長子(πρωτοτοκοι),因為都是王。不,所以完整的應該是由於居先而為掌權的意思,在有些用法裡脫離了「長子」這個詞的第一個意思,而用於神的本身…。在舊約裡,另一些בכור(prototokos,「長子」)作為第二種用法的例子裡,「頭生」的意思被「超越」的意思所遮蓋而失去,這見於伯十八13「死亡的長子」、賽十四30「貧寒人的長子」。

πασης κτισεως] ‘of all creation,’ rather than ‘of every created thing.’… The genitive case must be interpreted so as to include the full meaning of πρωτοτοκος, as already explained. It will therefore signify: ‘He stands in the relation of πρωτοτοκος to all creation,’ i.e. ‘ He is the Firstborn , and, as the Firstborn, the absolute Heir and sovereign Lord, of all creation.’ …Another explanation which would connect the genitive with the first part of the compound alone (πρωτο-), comparing Joh. i. 15, 30, πρωτος μου ην, unduly strains the grammar, while it excludes the idea of ‘heirship, sovereignty.’

πασης κτισεως]:「一切造物」比「每一造物」佳。…正如所已經解釋的,所有格的詮釋必須涵蓋到πρωτοτοκος(首生)完整的意思。因此表明「他與一切造物的關係是站在πρωτοτοκος(首生)的地位上」,亦即「他是首生,而作為首生,他是一切造物絕對的繼承者和統管的主。」

另一種解釋只將所有格連於複合字的第一部分(πρωτο-,proto-),比較約一15、30「他本來在我以前」(πρωτος μου ην)。這是文法過度的曲解,這樣解就把「繼承權」、「統治權」的意思排除了。

The history of the patristic exegesis of this expression is not without a painful interest. All the fathers of the second and third centuries without exception, so far as I have noticed, correctly refer it to the Eternal Word and not to the Incarnated Christ, to the Deity and not to the humanity of our Lord. So Justin, … Theophilus, … Clement of Alexandria, … Tertullian, … Hippolytus, … Origon, …Cyprian, … Novatian, …and the Synod of Antioch….The Arian controversy however gave a different turn to the exegesis of the passage. The Arians fastened upon the expression πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως, and drew from it the inference that the Son was a created being. …Many orthodox fathers howevere, not satisfied with this, transferred the expression into a new sphere, and maintained that πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως describes the Incarnated Christ. By so doing they thought to cut up the Arian argument by the roots. As consequence of this interpretation, they were obliged to understand the κτισις and the κτιζεσθαι in the context of the new spiritual creation, the καινη κτισις of 2 Cor. V. 17, Gal. vi. 15. Thus interpreted πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως here becomes nearly equivalent to πρωτοτοκον εν πολλοις αδελφοις in Rom. viii. 29.

教父解釋這個發表的歷史也是令人頭痛又有興趣的。就我所知,所有第二、三世紀的教父無一例外的,都正確的指向永恆的道,而不是成為肉身的基督;都指向我們主的神性,而非其人性。所以猶斯丁(Justin)、…提阿非羅(Theophilus)、…亞歷山太的革利免(Clement of Alexandria)、…特土良(Tertullian)、…希波律陀(Hippolytus)、…俄利根(Origen)、…居普良(Cyprian)、…諾窪天(Novatian)以及安提阿信條(the Synod of Antioch)。(按都是這樣認為)。然而因著亞流的爭議,使得這個經文的釋經轉了一個不同的方向。亞流者緊抓πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως(一切造物的首生)的發表不放,從這裡推論生出子是一個受造物。…然而許多正統的教父並不滿意於此,將這發表轉到另一個新的領域裡去,主張πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως(一切造物的首生)是描繪成為肉身的基督。他們認為這樣做可以斬斷亞流者論辯的根,豈知這樣詮釋的結果,他們只好被迫將經文中的「造物」(κτισις,按是西一15)和「創造」(κτιζεσθαι,按是西一16)領會為屬靈的新造,就是林後五17和加六15的「新造」(καινη κτισις)。因此詮釋這裡的「一切造物的首生」(πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως),幾乎把它等同於羅八29的「在許多弟兄中作長子」。

The arguments alleged in favour of this interpretation are mainly twofold:

(1) That, if applied to the Divine nature, πρωτοτοκος would contradict μονογενης which elsewhere describes the nature of the Eternal Son. But those who maintained, and rightly maintained, that πρωτοτοκος (Luke ii 7) did not necessarily imply that the Lord’s mother had other sons, ought not to have been led away by this fallacy.

(2) That πρωτοτοκος in other passages (e.g. Rom.viii. 29, Rev. i. 5, and just below, ver. 18) is applied to the humanity of Christ. But elsewhere, in Heb. i. 6 οταν δε παλιν εισαγαγη τον πρωτοτοκον κ.τ.λ., the term must almost necessarily refer to the pre-existence of the Son; and moreover the very point of the Apostle’s language in the text ( as will be seen presently) is the parallelism in the two relations of our Lord- His relation to the natural creation, as the Eternal Word, and His relation to the spiritual creation, as the Head of the Church- so that the same word (πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως ver. 15, πρωτοτοκος εκ των νεκρων ver. 18) is studiously used both. A false exegesis is sure to bring a nemesis on itself. Logical consistency required that this interpretation should be carried farther; and Marcellus, who was never deterred by any considerations of prudence, took this bold step. He extended the principle to the whole context, including even ικων του αορατου θεου, which likewise he interpreted of our Lord’s humanity. In this way a most important Christological passage was transferred into alien sphere; and the strongest argument against Arianism melted away in the attempt to combat Arianism on false grounds.



(2).「首生」(πρωτοτοκος)在別處經文(如羅八29,啟一5,18)用於基督的人性。然而在別處(來一6「神再使長子到世上來的時候…」,οταν δε παλιν εισαγαγη τον πρωτοτοκον κ.τ.λ.),這詞必須幾乎全然指先存的子,更有甚者是,使徒在上下文裡用語主要的點(正如待會兒所要說的)是兩個關乎我們的主的對句:作為永恆的道,是他與自然造物(按即一切舊造)的關係;作為教會的頭,是他與屬靈創造(按即一切新造)的關係。所以同樣一個字(15節「一切受造的首生」πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως,18節「死人中的首生」πρωτοτοκος εκ των νεκρων)是精心設計地用於二者。錯誤的解經當然給自己招來報應。邏輯的一致性要求(按迫使、逼著)這樣的解釋被帶往前去,而馬西流(Marcellus)從來沒有被深思熟慮所阻止,他走了大膽的一步。他擴展這個原則到整個上下文,甚至包括了「不能看見之神的像」,也把它解釋為主的人性。如此一來,一個關於基督論最為重要的經文,被轉到另一個全然不同的領域裡去了,而(本來)最強而有力反對亞流主義的論據,反而因為在錯誤的基礎上試圖與亞流主義爭戰時流失了。

The criticism of Eusebius on Marcellus are perfectly just… The objection to this interpretation are threefold :

(1) It disregards the history of the terms in the connexion with the pre-Christain speculations of Alexandrian Judaism.These however, though directly or indirectly they were preset to the minds of the earlier fathers and kept them in the right exegetical path, might very easily have escaped a writer in the fourth century.

(2) It shatters the context.To suppose that such expressions as εν αυτω εκτισθη τα παντα [τα] εν τοις ουρανοις και [τα] επι της γης, or τα παντα δι αυτου…εκτισται, or τα παντα εν αυτω συνεστηκεν, refer to the work of the Incarnation, is to strains language in a way which would reduce all theological exegesis to chaos; and yet this, as Marcellus truly saw, is a strictly logical consequence of the interpretation which refers πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως to Christ’s humanity.

(3) It takes no account of the cosmogony and angelology of the false teachers against which the Apostle’s exposition here is directed…


(1) 它忽略了這些用詞與在基督徒之前的亞歷山大猶太教思想相關連的歷史。這些雖然直接或間接地預置於早期教父們的心裡,也保守他們在正確釋經的路上,然而,卻可能非常輕易地就從第四世紀的作者身上失去了。

(2)它忽略了上下文。假設諸如:「萬有都是在他裡面造的,無論是天上的,地上的」(εν αυτω εκτισθη τα παντα [τα] εν τοις ουρανοις και [τα] επι της γης),或「一概都是藉著他造的」(τα παντα δι αυτου…εκτισται),或「萬有也靠他而立」(τα παντα εν αυτω συνεστηκεν),都指道成肉身的工作,那麼這是曲解文義到一個地步,使一切神學上的釋經降到一堆混亂裡去。


This interpretation is given by St. Athanasius….and appears again in Greg. Nyss.…Cyril Alex…. St. Athanasius indeed does not confine the expression to the condescension…of the Word in the Incarnation, but includes also prior condescension in the Creation of the world….This double reference however only confuses the exegesis of the passage still further, while theologically it might lead to very serious difficulties…St. Basil,..himslef prefers explaining it of the Eternal word…Of the Greek commentators on this passage, Chrysostom’s view is not clear; Severianus… and Theodoret …understand it rightly of the Eternal Word; while Theodoro of Mopsuestia…expresses himself very strongly on the opposite side. Like Marcellus, he carries the interpretation consistently into the whole context, explaining εν αυτω to refer not to the original creation(κτισις)but to the moral re-creation(ανακτισις), and referring εικων to the Incarnation in the same way. At a later date, when the pressure of an immediate controversy has passed away, the Greek writers generally concur in the earlier and truer interpretation of the expression. Thus John Damascene,…Theophylact,…CEcumenius, all explain it of Christ’s Divine Nature. Among Latin writers there is more diversity of interpretation. While Marius Victorinus,…Hilary of Poictiers,…Hilary the commentator, take it of the Divine Nature, Augustine,…Pelagius…understand it of the Incarnate Christ.

這樣的詮釋是亞他那修(Athanasuis)所給的,…且出現在尼撒的貴格利(Greg. Nyssa)…、亞歷山大的區利羅(Cyril Alex.)…。聖亞他那修的確不是把這個發表侷限在「道」的成為肉身時的紓尊降貴,也包括在創造世界前的紓尊降貴…。然而,這種雙重的旁註只會更進一步混淆這經文的解釋,且在神學上把它帶往嚴重的難題。…聖巴西流…較喜解釋之為永恆的道…。這經文,希臘的註釋者中屈梭多模(Chrysostom)的觀點不清,塞凡流斯(Serverianus)…和狄奧多勒(Theodoret)…確定領會為永恆的道。然而摩普妥提亞的狄奧多若(Theodoro of Mopsuestia)強烈表達他是站在另一邊。就像馬西流(Marcellus),他將整個上下文作一致的詮釋,他解釋「在他裡面」(εν αυτω,按和合本「靠他」)不是指原先的創造(κτισις),而是指道德的複造(ανακτισις,按指新造),而同樣將「像」(εικων)解為道成肉身者。

稍後,當直接爭論的壓力過了之後,整體來說希臘的作者們與較早期、較正確的詮釋看法一致。(按指「首生」是指永恆的道,而不是他的人性)。因此,達馬新約翰(John Damascene)、…狄奧非拉(Theophylact)、…色克曼紐斯(CEcumenius),都將其解釋為基督的神聖性情。拉丁的作者們在詮釋上則較為多樣。維克多林納斯馬流(Marius Victorinus)、波依克提爾的希勒立(Hilary of Poictiers)…、解經家希勒立(Hilary the commentator)等,將其解釋為基督的神聖性情;奧古斯丁(Augustine),…伯拉糾(Pelagius)…,將其認為是成為肉身的基督。

(J.B. Lightfoot, Saint Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon, A Revised Text with Introductions, Notes and Dissertations, pp.146-150, Repr. Ed. Of 1879 edition, Zondervan Publishing House)


一、之所以列出幾乎J.B. Lightfoot西一15下整段的評文,目的是要讀者知道其內容,不讓任何人有異想天開的空間曲解其意,引之往自己「錯誤」的臉上貼金。請讀者不殫其煩地讀完它,相信必有斬穫。J.B. Lightfoot的著作具足份量、權威,原則上討論西一15及其上下文的著作,聖經學者幾無不引用其評註做為佐證、加強。同樣的,他的加、腓、西、門四卷書的註解也是經典之作,至今仍為聖經學者、神學家、解經家所津津樂道。此君的解經嚴謹、學識淵博、眼光銳利、思想宏大、思路清楚,所寫文章引經據典,精闢深入,點點中肯,點點命中要害。









後者則出現在「水流職事站」網站「真裡辯正」中:「回覆唐守臨、任鍾祥《為真道竭力爭辯》之十點爭議」,第二篇 關於「基督是受造之物的首生者」一文中。讀者可以自行上網瀏覽:

稀奇的是,該文宣稱:「十九世紀解經家雷德福(J B Lightfoot,1828 -1889)在其解經書中,詳細整理了從教會初期至第四世紀,歷代教父在此題上的不同見地。一般聖經學者公認,雷德福所作的歸納,是解釋此一歷史之爭的最好說明。」既是這樣,我們不禁要問,為甚麼不願接受其所敲定的斷案?該文大量引述Lightfoot文章的內容,卻未完整忠實的譯出全部或主要的部份。不但如此,Lightfoot清楚表明西一15的「首生」(prototokos)應指基督之神性,宣示他是先於一切造物、統管萬有,他強烈反對將之解為基督的人性,因為連帶的帶進後面經文錯誤勉強的解經,在對付亞流異端時反而自陷解經的泥沼裡。關於這一個,「真裡辯正」中的「回」一文,竟把他的斷案削弱為:「雷德福顯然傾向支持二、三世紀教父的觀點…」。這樣做,間接地使沒有讀過Lightfoot文章的讀者被誤導,也使他們產生誤判,這是筆者不能同意的。這種錯誤的信仰內容-「基督受造論」是被普世所有神的兒女、基督的教會所棄絕的。關於基督身位的詮釋是一件嚴肅的事,所有的論述、傳講都得謹慎小心!

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