Friday, February 13, 2009




15. The first-born of every creature (πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως)

Rev., the first-born of all creation. For first-born, see on Apoc. i. 5; for creation, on 2Cor. v.17. As image points to revelation, so first-born points to eternal preexistence. Even the Rev. is a little ambiguous, for we must carefully avoid any suggestion that Christ was the first of created things, which is contradicted by the following words: in Him were all things created. The true sense is, born before the creation. Compare before all things, ver. 17. This fact of priority implies sovereignty. He is exalted above all thrones, etc., and all things are unto (εις) Him, as they are elsewhere declared to be unto God. Compare Ps. lxxxix. 27; Heb. i. 2.

(M.R.Vincent, Word Studies In The New Testament, Vol. III, pp.468-69, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1980”)


西一15「每一造物的首生」(πρωτοτοκος πασης κτισεως,按是「欽定本」)


18. The first-born from the dead (πρωτοτοκος εκ των νεκρων)

...There is a parallelism between first-born of the creation and first-born from the dead as regards the relation of headship in which Christ stands to creation and to the Church alike; but the parallelism is not complete. “He is the first-born from the dead as having been Himself one of the dead. He is not the first-born of all creation as being himself created” (Dwight).

(M.R.Vincent, Word Studies In The New Testament, Vol. III, pp.472, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1980”)



九、K.S. Wuest

The word “firstborn” is prototokos. The Greek word implied two things, Priority to all creation and Sovereignty over all creation. In the first meaning we see the absolute pre-existence of the Logos. Since our Lord existed before all created things, He must be uncreated. Since He is uncreated, he is eternal. Since He is eternal, He is God. Since He is God, He cannot be one of the emanations from deity of which the Gnostic speaks, even though He proceeds from God the Father as the Son. In the second meaning we see that He is the eternal ruler, the acknowledged head of God’s household. Thus again, He cannot be one of the emanations from the deity in whom the divine essence is present but diffused. He is the Lord of creation.

(Kenneth S. Wuest, Wuest’s Word Studies From the Greek New Testament For the English Reader, Vol. I, Ephesians and Colossians, Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1973, p.183)


十、W.W. Wiersbe 西一15、16的註解

He existed before Creation (v. 15).

The term firstborn does not refer to time, but to place or status. Jesus Christ was not the first being created, since He Himself is the Creator of all things. Firstborn simply means “of first importance, of first rank.” Solomon was certainly not the first of all David’s son, yet he was named the firstborn (Ps. 89:27). Firstborn of all creation means “prior to all Creation.” Jesus Christ is not a created being; He is eternal God.

He created all things (v. 16)

Since Christ created all things, He Himself is uncreated. The word for that introduces this verse could be translated “because.” Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of all because He created all things. It is not wonder that the winds and waves obeyed Him, and diseases and death fled from Him, for He is the Master over all. “All things were made by Him” (John1:3). This includes all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible. All things are under His command.

(W.W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, New Testament Vol. 2, Cook Communications Ministries, 2001, P.115)






十一、Peter T. O’Brien

About prototokos of Col.1:15

…Stripped from its context and from other Pauline statements about Christ this phrase might be understood to include him among created things (as simply the “eldest” of the “family”: at Rom 8:29 “prototokos” appears to be used in this inclusive sense).

But the context makes it plain that the title cannot refer to him as the first of all created beings since the immediately following words, which provide a commentary on the title (oti), emphasize the point that he is the one by whom the whole creation came into being. Further, apart from the incompatibility of this thought with the teaching of Paul in general about the person and work of Christ, such an understanding is not required by the word “ prototokos” (“firstborn”) itself.

(Peter T. O’Brien, Word Biblical commentary)






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